Wednesday, May 4, 2016

10-year-old boy awarded $10,000 for discovering security fault in Instagram

A 10-year-old Finnish boy has received 10,000 dollars from Instagram after finding a security fault in the service, media report said on Tuesday. 
It said that the boy, whose name was given as Jani ,discovered the security vulnerability in the Instagram app, a mobile photo-sharing service owned by Facebook, in March. He found that he could delete other people’s comments when he inputted malicious code into the comment field of the application.

An Insight on the Concept of an Entrepreneur

Who is an Entrepreneur?
An entrepreneur is a person who has the ability to see and evaluate business opportunities with necessary resources to take advantages of and to initiate appropriate actions to ensure success. In other words, entrepreneurs are action oriented people who are highly motivated to take risk upon achieving goals.

WHEN DISASTER STRIKES - Steps that can save lives

Earthquake, hurricane, terrorist attack, school shooting... Those terms appear in the headlines too often. Of course, it is one thing ...